
Westmorland Flag

The Westmorland Association exists to celebrate the traditional county of Westmorland: its people, towns and villages, landscapes, wildlife, history, heritage and cultural life.

With support from you, the Westmorland Association was able to register the Westmorland Flag with the Flag Institute. The continued support from the people, clubs, societies and businesses of the county helps raise the profile of the flag and nurtures county pride. To lend your support email us at mail@westmorland-association.org.uk or visit the Westmorland Flag Facebook page.

A Portrait of Westmorland Westmorland Pele Towers The Wonders of Westmorland

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Westmorland celebration

We have received news that a celebration of Westmorland has been planned for Saturday, 30 March to mark 40 years on since the Local Government changes of 1974.

30th March 2014
Westmorland Hall at Kendal Leisure Centre
3pm to 6pm
 Dialect – W’morland Clog Dancer – Singing

Admission £3 per adult ( includes drink & cake )

The organisers of the event would like to hear from you if you plan to come. You can contact them for more information at: westmorland40@gmail.com and enquiries can be made by ‘phoning: 015394 48708.  The organisers would like to share your memorabilia at the event. N.B. The organisers are not insured against loss or damage.

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